Professional Development
Teachers: WAVE now offers Professional Development classes!!
Contact your school's CTE Director for more information or email WAVE's Support Services Coordinator Tonia Flanagan [email protected] for more information or to register.
Instructor: Tonia Flanagan
ADE Credit available: 1 semester hour credit satisfies Professional knowledge deficiency
Classroom Management; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - August 16, LWHS
In this course, teachers will enhance classroom management skills by developing procedures and routines that are perfect for YOUR situation. In this course, we will take a deep look at the philosophy of “Discipline with Dignity” and develop classroom rules and consequences. Participants will be empowered to create an atmosphere which is conducive to learning and high expectations. All of this is based on the belief that excellent classroom management is built on the foundation of well-planned, relevant and engaging lessons. This class is one day with homework.
Instructional Best Practices; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - September 19, October 17, RVHS
This course is an introduction to the design and use of CTE curriculum. In this highly engaging course, teachers will focus on the design and delivery of relevant and engaging lessons. Special emphasis is placed on writing clear, aligned, and measurable objective(s), a variety of methods for structuring learning to meet objective(s), incorporation of active participation strategies, developing a strong introduction to each lesson, and closure to assess learning. These strategies will be woven and modeled throughout the entire course. All participants who complete the IBP Day 1 class and whose district is a member of the Curriculum Consortium will receive password-protected access to the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium with its bank of outstanding lesson plans and/or other valuable resources for CTE programs written by Arizona CTE teachers. This is a 2-class series, 8 hours each class. You will only receive 1 ADE Credit once you attend all 8 hours of Instructional Best Practices Day 1 and all 8 hours of Instructional Best Practices Day 2. There is no homework for this class
Lesson Plan Writing; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - November 15, LHHS
Wouldn’t you love to learn to write lessons that allow you to walk into your classroom each day feeling fully prepared? This class will help you with that goal. Each teacher will complete a task analysis for one or more measurement criteria, determine the number of lessons to be written for the unit of instruction, and write the first lesson in the unit. This class is one day with homework to earn 1 ADE credit (15 hours).
Formative Assessments; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - January 22, LHHS
This highly engaging course will provide you with an opportunity to evaluate the purpose of formative assessments. Topics include the role and types of assessments, the process to develop an objective assessment as well as criteria for crafting quality multiple-choice items. You will learn the skills needed to create objective assessment items using a process that mirrors the development of items for the Arizona CTE Technical Skill Assessments. You will develop an understanding of how to assess student skills in relation to standards and Bloom’s Taxonomy levels that require the application of concepts and critical thinking. In addition to learning about assessment development, you will create formative assessment items for use with students in your CTE program and others in the CTE community. You will be empowered to implement concepts immediately in your classroom. This class is one day with homework to earn 1 ADE credit (15 hours).
Technical Skills Assessments; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - February 21, RVHS
Student Success on the Technical Skills Assessment Matters! Your school earns A-F points for students who complete a CTE program and pass the TSA. Our State Legislature now looks to TSA scores to determine if CTE programs should be funded. Successfully passing the TSA builds student's confidence to enter their chosen profession. Having students successfully pass the TSA will make you a rock star in the eyes of administrators and business partners! Teachers work with peers in the same CTE Program area to create all of the materials needed for a fun, intense, competitive 8-15-day test preparation experience to help boost scores on the TSA significantly! We hope to see an increase in test scores of 15- 30 percentage points as a result of designing a dynamic, competitive, fun experience for students as they prep for the TSA. This class is one day with homework to earn 1 ADE credit (15 hours).